Saturday, August 17, 2024

After the hay - we hope for rain...

 The last of the hay  bales have just rolled out of the La Chaise fields. They were bigger - and rougher - than ever, the tractor drivers just as cross as ever...and - of course - I had to interfere.   Remember I AM THE PROPRIETOR.....So I firmly stood in the way of a laden tractor coming through the gates, he gave in first...thanfully!!  My crossness was based on their clumsiness - those very large, heavy laden machines can easily damage fence and gate posts.  However my problem in scolding is that I am not paying them to clear the fields - any more than that they are paying for the hay...Diminutive Old Lady did win the tractor stopped!

Once again I am musing on the possibility of putting grazing animals in the fields....only I am afraid of horses (and they are too heavy for my soil), not very keen on cows who are curious as well as heavy, they like to come up and visit....I have no fondness for goats which have very definite well as smell...which brings me back to sheep...of whom I have quite fond memories... But I am now well into my 80th year all this is unnecessary speculation..

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