Sunday, February 9, 2025

the eternal oak --- lifespan

 This winter day slowly comes to its close

I watch the fading sun disappear

behind the pine trees  across the valley

that makes the limts of my land..

It could be this world's end...

But nearer to my high stone terrace

Two aged oaka loom their heavy heads

to shade my glass of wine.

I sense disapproval - take another sip,

feel defiant as I lift my glass to them

....and to me...

And then I remember it - a flat circle of a oak

its rings suggest an age beyond the human

perhaps more than 300 years in th earth

rings beyond human counting...

Had it beem left unencumbered

to die its potential span...mass destruction

of younger trees, of homes, cars, gardens

all human clutter

would have been buried for all eternity..

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