Some weeks ago there was a thunderous descent of stones into our upstairs bathroom...struggling with swearing about the non visiblity of my slippers...I was nearly flushed back by the flow of water down the stairs. Disaster laughed at me - wetly.
The bathroom upstairs had just melted into gludge which itself was soakiing the wooden floor that was the ceiling of the downstairs bathroom. Hopelessly I tried to push the flow into the sanitary loo bason..
Then gave up in order to find as many buckets to catch the water below...Eventually my battered mind remember where the mains water intake was.......yes, in the glass veranda outside where it was also pouring with rain.
The upstairs bath had become detached from its wall, tilted crazily to the floor. Fortunately the loo was still more or less upright - but unsteady.
Enough sordid detail, the Gread Tidy Up had to start. Fortunately I knew a couple of local men who were used to this kind of operation. I let them use my beloved Audi break and a remorque to take 'stuff' to the local dechetterie (= official dump site).
As the site got cleaner, as I was again able to use my downstairs bathroom, shower loo and all...we all gathered round the kitchen table to speculate on the origins of this disaster.
The plasterer suggested a possibility: that there had been a minute rain leak between a couple of roof tiles over the years which penetrated into the plaster of the bathroom. This weakend the plaster walls in the bathroom which then dropped into the bath...and so everything fell over...
It seems plausible - no point is summoning the insurance - but definitely a revision of the roof - and general restoration of the upstairs bathroom, bath, wash basin and loo. All the plaster and wood would be covered in a heavy, shiny dark blue paint - new lights would be installed and all porcelain or china objects disinfected and re-installed.
It has been done.....I am waiting for my first summer guests to come...and be brave.
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