Monday, September 16, 2024

All the fun with trees...even when sick...

 It's the trees that were sick - not me though I did have a few queasy moments as they were rolled into their man-designated places then levered into trailers for delivery to vans....

The trees were - I was told - a mixture of beech and oak and all had some infection under their skins or in their roots.   Beech and oak is most often used for furniture with oak being very popular for flooring...

And this is what the site looked like before 'men' got round to pushing and pulling it towards the tractor with its trailer....pls note the 'helpful' (???) cheroot in one of the worker's mouths...

The happy new owner of this wood is apparently going to use it as roof beams in various cabins that he has/is going to have built....

Waste not, want not - especially in deepest countryside. hth Very sadly I cannot remember whether these trees were a natural part of La Chaise estate when we bought it near half a century ago...or whether my beloved (late) husband planted them, along with all the other tree plantations he launched.

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