The other morning I woke up - irritable and irritated - even though it had seemed an ordinary night. My restless hands then found the problem - something had bitten me during the night, there were large, red, itchy patches on the front of my thighs. Adult discipline stopped me scratching them raw but it took me a while to remember that - hopefuly - I had a child's remedy in the bathroom cupboard. I did, Apaiysil Baby soothed the redness.
Despite an excellent yesterday's egg from the chickens, even a reasonable cup of (decaf - sigh) coffee and proper toast, I did not recover my good humour and rather hid from people - not that there were any around.
Eventually I overcame my shame and asked Stephanie what could possibly have inflicted such horridness on me. She looked and very kindly did not laugh.
A flea, she said - it was a flea. Then she told me what I had to do....
First I had to wash the sheets at 60 C for a long cycle...OK but the sheets were large and the washer could not cope efficiently with more that one sheet at a time......
So one sheet duly went into the washer at full strength for over an hour. The other I decided to put into the dryer for a long cycle with the pillow cases. The blankets, heavy duty wollen, posed more of a problem. The answer was the washing line and a child's tennis raquet and my strong (huh) right arm.
The spots are still there but no longer itch - nor have they increased in number - but I am still embarassed... still wondering where the flea came indoor domestic animals.
e dryer
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