So, for reasons only best known to the machine - my dishwasher decided to give up the ghost. It showed this by refusing to drain and sending me repeated 'BIP' messages asking me to 'verify' the water levels. Whilst I speak a number of languages BIP/BEEP is not amongst them.... and everytime I opened the dishwasher to check on the water, there was water, water everywhere.
The setting I had chosen was for an 'intensive' wash - so I decided this might be too strong and changed it for a normal programme .....which worked apparently perfectly..except the dishes, though clean, were not quite dry...
And then I noticed the machine had not properly, gloves on, I fished around in the drain but found no impediment. Next solution: there must be a blocage, so I reach for the sink plunger. Of course, sod's law, no sink plunger where there should have been a sink plunger. Quick trip to the local hardware store (nine kms away) to buy the last plunger it had..
But that was no use, no amount of plunging brought up any obstructive matter...and the power supply to the machine died. So now I am back to handwashing dishes, pans, cutlerly and glassware - only to find how much I had forgotten.
The use of rubber gloves, what to wash first, how to set washed items properly in the drainage rack, how to rinse after washing to get rid of the soap...
My mind went back to memories of my number two American stepmother preparing to load her dishwasher....I always mocked her because she rinsed the dishes before loading the I think she was right. Machines are not as good as people.