The 'annee de poisse'
continues: herewith the 'nth' part. Somehow the freezer compartment
door of the fridge/freezer in the Farmhouse managed to get solidly
frozen. Odd.
Only three weeks ago I had spent
four hours at the Farmhouse kitchen table processing a partially
butchered lamb carcass. Or to be more honest, I had been refining a
butchered lamb carcass as I am getting very pernickety about my meat.
This meant I was removing what I considered to be unnecessary fat,
de-boning some cutlets to make lamb noisettes
– no point in freezing bones after all. In fact, chops are a pain
for domestic freezing as the bones tend to poke through the freezer
Odd bits of meat were put through my
cheap but effective Lidl mincer so that I would have lamb mince for
winter moussaka.
Actually I do not
like processing meat: I am perfectly capable of taking the necks
plus heads off chickens and ducks, fishing out the liver and gizzards
with my bare fingers
but I would much rather not. I can joint a fowl, untie a 'roast' and
remove the inedible (to me) bits, ditto with meat for blanquette
de veau or just beef stew. I
have a wonderful array of very sharp knives. But it puts one (me)
off eating the result. Cook dines off the smell of that which s/he
has cooked....
I have an obsession with what I call
'clean' meat which mostly means fatless meat cooked by someone else –
mostly quality cooked ham, sometimes jambon cru
if I can peel the fat off the rim. But especially viande
des grisons, which is the Swiss
name for bresaola, the
Italian dried beef. Even then, I turn over every packet in the
supermarket chill cabinet to look at the back and inspect for fat. If
the packet is not see-through, the product is rejected. Obviously
there are no cameras on the chill cabinets otherwise I would have been
hauled away a long time ago.
(Actually I am even worse with
smoked salmon, especially the farmed salmon -is there any other now?-
which I regard with great suspicion and sometimes a mental tape
measure to make sure the fish has not been force fed. The flesh
between the fat lines has to be narrow and tight, rather like rings
one sees in tree stumps.)
However, reverting to the processed
lamb: the point of doing it in the Farmhouse was that I needed the
freezer compartment because my freezer was full. I carefully packed up the processed, labelled meat, put it in the freezer compartment and closed (I thought) the door. I
thought no more about it.
Until today, Sunday 30th
Sept, because next Thursday I have guests coming to stay in the
Farmhouse. So I went to check on its equipment. Apart from the
fact that 9 of the 12 egg cups had disappeared, also two out of the
three coffee filter jugs, and the vacuum cleaner bag was full,
everything seemed fine. Until I tried to open the freezer door. Frozen solid.
What to do?
What I did was to take down to the
Farmhouse my kitchen step ladder, on top of which I put an upside
down, large pan, on top of which I put a fan heater directed at the
freezer door. Then I went to have a drink. About an hour later I
was able to open the freezer door. The meat was still frozen, thank
goodness. But the door was deformed and would not shut again, not
even when I got all the ice out of the cabinet.
Now is this my fault? Same as the time
I melted the back end of the vacuum cleaner when using its exhaust to
rekindle the embers of a fire? Or was the door deformed when I put
the meat in and I just did not notice? Fingers crossed that I can
get a new door via another one of my heroes – Fred Rouchier of
'Electrochoc' my supplier of all domestic, electric appliances. Of
course, as always amongst French artisans, it is his wife who does the
research and admin, so hommage to her also.