Saturday, March 1, 2025

Other people's oddities...

 Are so much more interesting than my own - at least to me...As I eventually ended up in my 80th year, I was worried about any possible oddities in my behaviour....

Yes, alright, I gave up driving my car - that seemed sensible all round, not just because of possible accidents caused by me - but more seriously because the  occasional driver of my car (which he wants to buy) is a Very Attractrive Young Man...with blue eyes to die for..

Also he speaks Dutch - I was born Dutch over 80 years ago but I seem to be able to express myself, and understand what he  says, with very little problem...also he smokes Dutch cigars - just as my Dutch grandfather used to - and the odor takes me back to my childhood....Grandfather in his terrace chair, smoke rising from his mouth and the birds hovering for the grains from ....whatever he was eating.

So far, so good - but now I have found myself wondering about the difference btween two different types of breakfast  cereal....there are the rectangular blocks of mixed grains and there are also ones with rounded edges....I study the contents description..which is the better, are the tastes different....fortunately finding yesterday's newspaper usually distracts me from this absurdity...

And now this obsession has transferred itself to fire lighters which also come in different shapes....of which I use a lot as both my Rayburn cooker and the sitting room fire are lit by such...

And that is probably a comment on the quality of the TV programmes whether in English or French -  I now live mostly in France...

Fortunately there is always a glass of wine close by...